Beginner Basics
1. Identify the coverage needed.
The first step is determining what type of product is best for you. Here at Name Brand Wigs we have an array of options, but if you are not ready or not looking for a full wig then we carry top pieces, ¾ wigs, extensions, and halos.
2. Find your fit!

3. Identify your cap needs:
The cap is the base of the wig onto which hair is attached. Wigs are available with several different types of caps, and each cap type has its own distinct advantages. The four cap designs are Capless, Standard, 100% Hand Tied, and Monofilament.

Read our blog post on cap types that explains the differences further!
4. Find the right fiber!
Alternative Hair fiber can be categorized into the following: Synthetic, Heat Defiant or Heat Friendly, Human Hair, Remy Human Hair, or Human Hair Blend. See the charts below for the descriptions of each fiber type.
Synthetic Fiber:
Wigs made primarily of modacrylic fibers that have the look and feel of real hair. This fiber is very low maintenance and convenient. The fibers have built in memory which allows the original style to be restored after washing.
Heat Friendly or Heat Defiant:
A synthetic fiber that can withstand a low amount of heat. A heat friendly wig is pre-styled, but you have the flexibility to curl or flat iron to change the look. Once the style has been changed with heat it will hold, even after washing, and a heat source must be used again to change it. The fiber also tends to have a coarser, moldable texture than standard synthetic.
Human Hair:
Wigs made of human hair are primarily cut in India and China. Wigs made with Human Hair are very durable, and can withstand heat and products just like bio hair. However, they require more upkeep than synthetic wigs and must be styled on a regular basis. Generally speaking, Human Hair wigs are much heavier than their Synthetic counterpart, and will typically hold up longer.
Remy Human Hair:
Human hair that has not been weakened by stripping. Unlike most human hair used in wigs and hairpieces, Remy hair is created by careful processing which leaves the cuticle in place. The result is stronger, superior hair. To avoid tangling, Remy hair strands must all be aligned so the cuticle runs in the same direction. Remy hair is more expensive than cuticle-free human hair.
Human Hair Blend:
A blend of human hair and heat friendly fibers. These wigs should be cared for as a heat friendly item as they are typically composed of a much higher percentage of heat friendly fibers.
Pro Tip: The key to finding the right fiber is to consider your lifestyle and how much time you want to put into styling and maintaining your alternative hair. Each fiber has pros and cons, consider the pros and cons to find the hair fiber that best fits who YOU are!
5. Determine what Style and Length you are looking for:
We have a huge selection, equaling thousands of options. This can be a bit overwhelming to a new wig wearer. Take advantage of the filtering on our website to narrow down our styles by length, hair texture, or cap features. A great place to start is our customer’s favorite page. You can trust these are tried and true favorites, as they are the wigs getting the best reviews from other wig wearers like you!
Check out our face shape blog for recommendations on what style types will work best with your face shape.
6. Find your color!
Once you have a style narrowed down, you will know what your color options are, as each brand makes their own set of colors. We have online color swatches as guides for all colors. If you would like to see the swatches in person you can order a color ring.

7. Get the proper care products
- Shampoo & Conditioner
- Wig Spray
- Detangler
- Wig Cap
- Wig Brush or Comb
8. Give yourself some grace!
You might not get the perfect wig on the first try. It takes time to get the hang of this wig thing, and sometimes a little trial and error to find what brand, cap, or style might work best for you. We were all new to the world of wigs at one time. Don’t get discouraged, you’ll be a wig expert before you know it!
9. Don't forget we are here to help.
Our trained team has years of experience working with and learning about the products we offer, along with staying up to date on the newest innovations. We will go above and beyond to help you find the perfect piece! If you ever have questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We are here to help walk this new journey with you!
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