Seeing Double (Gray Edition)

Hello Friends! By popular demand, I am back with another edition of Seeing Double! I decided I would tackle our most popular Grays this time. Finding the right Gray can be such a difficult process so I am here to help! There are two different kinds of grays which are the Fashion gray and the Natural gray. I will be featuring half fashion and half natural grays.
I will start off displaying all of the grays so you can see them right next to each other, then I will dive into specifics.
Now that we have seen all of these colors right next to each other, I will now dive into the Fashion grays vs the Natural Grays.
The main reason these are the fashion grays is because they have dark or completely black roots. The Deena in ChromeRT1B and the Vada in Illumina R both have a silver all over color that makes the root really pop. The Cafe Chic in Chrome also has a dark brown root, but is a little warmer of a gray.
Most Natural grays do not have super dark roots and the overall color is not super shiny or bright. The Risk Comfort in Silver Rooted does have a root, but it is very subtle and really just adds a little dimension. The Kristi in 56F51 also has some dimension, but it is seen more underneath around the neck.
Are there more gray colors you would like to see some sister colors too? Let us know down below!