Meet Your Hair Care Team - Kathy

Meet Your Hair Care Team - Kathy

  What is your favorite style? Why? The Noriko Sky is one of my favorites because of how flexible the style is.  What is your most memorable moment working at...
What's all the buzz about? - EasiPieces

What's all the buzz about? - EasiPieces

Hello my friends! I am so excited to share with you my experience with the brand new EasiPieces from EasiHair. I personally do not have any hair loss, but every...
Sweater Weather

Sweater Weather

Hello Friends! For those of you not from the north, we have recently been in the middle of a winter wonderland up in Minnesota! It truly is perfect sweater weather for us,...
Seeing Double (Gray Edition)

Seeing Double (Gray Edition)

  Hello Friends! By popular demand, I am back with another edition of Seeing Double! I decided I would tackle our most popular Grays this time. Finding the right Gray...
Competing Cuts & Colors

Competing Cuts & Colors

I think we could all agree there is such a thing as a bad wig! However, many times it's not that it's a bad wig, but rather it's not the...
Trendy in 2020

Trendy in 2020

I thought I would go to our own in-house wig experts this year to find out what trends they are predicting being big in the coming year. So here it...
Growing With Your Wig by Kim

Growing With Your Wig by Kim

After starting my YouTube channel “Let’s Talk With Kim” a few years ago, my confidence grew so much. My self esteem increased not only in myself, but also with wearing...
Stocking Stuffers for the Wig Wearer

Stocking Stuffers for the Wig Wearer

Hi everyone! Can you believe that Christmas is right around the corner? Do you have a wig wearing friend or significant other? Buying gifts for those of us that wear...
Let's Visit With Ellen Wille

Let's Visit With Ellen Wille

          The wig industry is ever changing. Monthly, new styles and colors are released keeping up with the latest trends, while brands are constantly working to...
Thankful for YOU!

Thankful for YOU!

We find the list adding up, as we count everything that we are grateful for this year. Most of all, here at Name Brand Wigs, we are thankful for YOU!...
Seeing Double (Color Edition)

Seeing Double (Color Edition)

Hello friends! You asked and I am here to answer. I received a bunch of feedback that you would like to see sister colors and I decided to go big!...
Five Wigs You Should Have In Your Closet!

Five Wigs You Should Have In Your Closet!

Hello my friends! Recently I have had conversations with women whom have told me one of two things; either they have many wigs they can sift through every day and...